Thursday, 18 July 2013


          HELLO / BONJOUR  YEAR 1

  What a good idea, singing "Frère Jacques"
for us : you did it very very well, thank you.

Of course we can teach you small rhymes or easy action songs. It is a good idea.

Let us think about it !

We are surprised because you are all wearing the same nice white shirt. In France we do not wear uniforms, even when we are older.
We can dress as we like, depending on the weather and it must be practical for the gym or when riding a bike.
Do you like wearing uniforms ? Is it the same in all the schools ?

In France it is now compulsory, learning a foreign language in the primary school, at 6.
It is mainly English, but it can be also German, Spanish or Italian, depending on the location of the town.
In our town it is special, we are beginning English at the pre-primary school (from 5 to 6), so next year.
But we are happy beginning this year, learning our colors. We have tried to play Mr Crocodile, but it was the end of the school year and we missed a little time. We enjoyed it and our teacher helped us when we did not remember a colour. We also made a VERY BIG pace (like a giant).

Each month, we make a birthday cake for each child born during the month, and we sing ''Joyeux anniversaire", "Happy birthday"
"Zum Geburtstag" (German) and Buon Compleano".(Italian) Sorry, our teacher does not know the song in other languages !

In September, we will try and send you the video.

Thank you again for the video. It was so nice of you


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